一个让你可以跟 GitHub 仓库进行对话的 Python 工具

一个让你可以跟 GitHub 仓库进行对话的 Python 工具:Chat-with-GitHub-Repo。

仓库包含两个 Python 脚本,演示如何使用 Streamlit、OpenAI GPT-3.5-turbo 和 Deep Lake 来创建 AI 聊天机器人。

聊天机器人搜索存储在 Deep Lake 中的数据集以查找相关信息,并根据用户的输入生成答案,让你直接跟 GitHub 仓库进行对话。

peterw/Chat-with-Github-Repo: This repository contains two Python scripts that demonstrate how to create a chatbot using Streamlit, OpenAI GPT-3.5-turbo, and Activeloop's Deep Lake.

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.