Novel Search Engine + Novel Downloader Script

Name: Boyun - Novel Search Engine
Description: Boyun Search is a professional web novel search engine that allows users to search for novels using characters, plot, proprietary vocabulary, and similar novels. Currently, the database covers over 80% of the works from mainstream novel websites, effectively helping you find forgotten works and suitable reading materials.
Website: https://www.boyunso.com

Script Name: Novel Downloader
Description: A powerful web novel downloader that supports most commonly used websites.
When opening supported websites, a download button will appear on the directory page. Clicking on it will download the novel as a TXT document. There are many supported websites, you can check the script details page. Official websites with paid chapters cannot be downloaded, but you can download from pirate websites.
Installation: https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/406070

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