Hugging Face Launches Transformers Agents

Allow everyone to easily use large language models such as OpenAssistant, StarCoder, OpenAI, etc., to quickly create an AI intelligent agent.

This agent can accept complex query information and achieve functions such as generating images from text, reading website summaries, and summarizing PDFs through dialogue.

The specific implementation can be built around a series of prompts, with the following process:

  • Clearly inform the agent of its main task;
  • Give the agent a tool;
  • Show examples to the agent;
  • Assign tasks to the agent, allowing it to generate Python code through logical reasoning and understanding of the task.

Currently, the agent has built-in multiple practical tools, including:

  • Document question-answering function;
  • Speech-to-text, text-to-speech;
  • Text functions (classification, summarization, translation, download, question-answering);
  • Image functions (generation, conversion, captions, segmentation, enlargement, question-answering);
  • Directly generate videos based on text, with strong scalability.

Documentation (https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/transformers_agents)

Online experience (https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1c7MHD-T1forUPGcC_jlwsIptOzpG3hSj#scrollTo=5nEHtKNja52V)

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